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Kenneth Marcelli's Official Sports Handicapping Website - All Picks Shown After Start of Game!

From the streets of Chicago, to prominence in Vegas, the now offshore giant that is Kenneth Marcelli has resurfaced in the anti-oddsmaker empire of Costa Rica...

Professional Sports Information for Major Sports
We provide our professional sports plays for Major League Baseball (MLB), National Football League (NFL), College Football (NCAAF), National Basketball Assiociation(NBA), and College Basketball (NCAAB). We provide our best plays daily, you will never find us substitute quantity for quality here.

What is the optimal sports service for your gambling needs?

Kenneth Marcelli is dedicated to high dollar sports investors. If you prefer to bet a higher volume of games wagering lower amounts of money, you would be better off using our sister company ROI Sports which is ran by Kenneth's assistant Frank Carnessi.

At Kenneth Marcelli, you will get Kenneth's best plays only. At Frank will provide his top plays which can range from 4-10 plays a day. Both sites are solid, offers fewer picks backed with a higher winning percentage while Frank at offers more plays daily at a lower price per play. Overall, it depends on your betting style, if you prefer to bet more games daily risking lower amounts, ROI is the place for you. If you would like to bet fewer games daily at higher amounts, is the place for you. For more information about visit their site today.

Why Use Kenneth Marcelli's Sports Information?
Kenneth Marcelli has been raised by gambling, and has earned a substantial amount of money in his time by sports betting. Through experience, both good and bad, Kenneth has put together a solid team with a solid formula which provides steady winning sports picks. We do not promote gambling, we simply help those who gamble win.

Kenneth Marcelli's Formula
Kenneth Marcelli has a simple formula:  The majority of games every week have tight lines, and some lines slip through the cracks and are deemed loose lines.  So basically every week there are a handful of lines that are an oddsmakers mistake.  These games are the plays in Kenneth Marcelli's crosshairs.  It is then that the trigger is pulled and the weakness is exploited.  Needless to say that is when you see the return on your investment.  Isn't it nice to be able to put money in places where it multiplies?

Why Costa Rica?
By living in Costa Rica our staff has access to an abundance of information. We know the local talk, we have contacts & friends who work for books, and we can track the most updated line movements throughout the day. Living in a city powered by sportsbooks allows us to stay on top of every move by the linesmakers and stay up-to-date with all the gambling news.

Yesterday's Results
Record Percent Units
1-2 33% -715
Last 7 Day's Results
Record Percent Units
14-9 61% 920
Last 30 Day's Results
Record Percent Units
60-36-2 63% 8275
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"Sports Wagering is a form of investing, not just entertainment." --- KM